I guess this is what happens when you bring an eight week old puppy into a house with nine cats!
He can't figure out if he is canine or feline. Maybe he should have some counseling!
My blog about parenting biological and adopted kids, some with everyday kid issues and some with much more serious medical/behavioral issues. I don't care if anyone else ever reads this, my main purpose is for me to have somewhere to vent some of my thoughts, frustrations and successes. If it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not. My kids are everything to me, I love them more than anything, but sometimes I just need to let it all out!
"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."--Martin Luther King
That is the funniest thing! A nameless little girl, who is sitting on my lap instead of being up in bed, said that she doesn't like that dog because when we were there, that dog bit her and ate her up! Vivid imagination, huh?
Jeeez, between the biting flies and biting dogs, you'll never be able to visit again. Oh and don't forget your hubby's favorite, the Home Owner's Association!
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